Monday, January 6, 2020

So here we go...There's a number of subjects that are going to be talked about in an interview I'm doing this week with Joey Galvez and his BIG TWO podcast. One of those subjects would be DESTRUCTO BOY. This is a character that I had for some time that was just a rough sketch, but had potential for other things. I returned from Texas one time and thought man I need to change things up a bit, and wanted to play with Video Games and Anime. Video Games because that's just where a good amount of attention is going when it comes to kids/teens/adult entertainment, and Anime because I felt it was due to be making a STRONG comeback (pssst i was right). So in its 2nd inception i had an idea of which way i wanted to go with it. Like ll things life gets in the way and I had to put it aside, but in 2020 we'll get a great look at a 3 piece story inspired by a post/meme that I saw and combining that with another story that will be told later in the year (no spoilers). So for now here's a quick promo we put together,and we'll talk more about DESTRUCTO BOY in the coming madness of posts.

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